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checked the channel log for the game on subscribestar and now kinda curious when the full version of the game will be released to here


how are you expected to even run the file?

(+1)!AiQnXFJyX0PFgRk1uSTV8ORLzJOo?e=uWnxuI miah? did you do this on purpose?

(Also, i was diving into the files and most of them are ñ)

Hey I have a question where that moving background in the title screen with that water comes from. Is it paid or free?

May I ask for a link to such a moving background?


will you release an android version? i don't have a mac os or a computer and i really wanted to play ;-;


I have a question.

Is the only chapter that's going to be free is chapter 1?

Or there will be more ?


I have a question, will the cheat version be available for purchase after the full release and if so will it be more than the normal game?


Nope, both copies are going to be patreon exclusive for another 1-2 years

I mean will the cheat version ALSO be available after you finish and fully release the game and will it cost more than the normal version.

it didn't run for me abdl miah




I do say the game does look interesting, I've seen you play this on You tube I'd like to play it, but don't have any money for a patreon pfft 

Tried getting the Windows Demo but get the error "cannot open the rar as an archive" when trying to extract it and no remedies I've looked up work. Tried redownloading but to no avail. Any advice?

Don't worry, the demo is obsolete, today I published chapter 1 totally free, and that's much more content than the demo (in a few minutes I'll update the page) ^-^


I'm experiencing a similar issue to freadbread, I tried contacting you via Discord but your DMs are off.

Send a friend request, I always accept them ^-^

Could you maybe do a play through of the new version on youtube. Thank you for making such a wonderful game have a good day.

Of course, I will try to find time this month to do it

(1 edit)

So a while back approximately 112 days ago there was a up to date version with cheats for 15$ but now that version is no longer there. No problem i git it, things change. But now i can olny git the plubic version ... So what of what the 15$. Well at any rate now i just hope when the full version comes out it's free for all or at least available to all who brought it before it was free.

I'm really sorry, I was trying to publish the game on itchio to get more crowdfunding but between the fact that there have been very few sales and that stays almost 50% in commissions, I have decided that it is only available on patreon.

I'm really sorry for the problems that I have caused you and I would like to be able to solve them, can you add me to discord and I will share the versions that I publish until the end of the month? Miah#7724

It's the least I can do :( 

so i downloaded an old demo (i think i got it from game jolt) 0.47

Mia had an accident, emely and mia played on the beach, then once they got home emely taked mia with getting a recipe from the libary.

i chose a recipe but emely was no where to be seen.

Was that the end for now or am i just a dumbass who missed something obvious?

That's a pretty old demo, now there's a lot more content made in the patreon version! n-n

hey I just bought your game and can’t wait to get home to try the 0.47 

wow i cant even play its been swapped with a patreon link i spent 7.50 dollars on this just to not be able to use it 

I'm really sorry, I was trying to publish the game on itchio to get more crowdfunding but between the fact that there have been very few sales and that stays almost 50% in commissions, I have decided that it is only available on patreon.

I'm really sorry for the problems that I have caused you and I would like to be able to solve them, can you add me to discord and I will share the versions that I publish until the end of the month? Miah#7724

It's the least I can do :( 


why are my cards getting declined I just payed them off

how do i use the cheats on the cheats version

I Loved this its just sad I got the gamejolt version which is 0.4.4 and I got to the end but so far I love it

and BIG question when is the full version coming and is it going to be free?

Of course! Chapter 1 should be completed by next month, and after 3 to 6 months (as I think) It will be free n.n


YES thank god I'm broke right now so yeah and I'm loving it so far its honestly pretty cool 

but keep up the good work


whens the full game come out i realy loved it

Awwss thank you very much!

Well, for chapter 1 to come out, 3 scenes remain to be done, so I will surely finish it at the end of next month or the beginning of the next. That's because this coming month I'm going to start creating a new game too!

You have all the information in my patreon n.n (Links above)

nice demo

Thanks! n.n

I downloaded the alpha 0.07 by accident and now there's a file with a too long name for me to delete it. It seems to be just stuck there. 

How strange.. I don't know how to fix it

Still thanks for warning, I am going to remove those versions from the list

hey I'm new


hey-o!  I recommend describing what the game is about or the game play of the game. I feel like it would result in more downloads.


It is not a bad idea, but keep in mind that right now there is nothing in history, when I have everything ready for an official launch I will take care of it!

Thanks for comment! 

hey i'm kinda new to this

Do you like how it is now? I don't know if maybe I should put things on the story instead of the updates hehe ~